“I’m the Villainess but the Capture Targets are Too Abnormal” is a popular Japanese light novel series written by Yomu Mishima and illustrated by Monda. The series, also known as “Watashi wa Akuyaku Reijou nanka janai~!~” in Japanese, was first published in 2019 and has gained a large following both in Japan and internationally.
The story follows Katarina Claes, a young noblewoman who is reincarnated into the world of her favorite otome game as the villainess character, destined to be either exiled or killed by the game’s capture targets. However, Katarina is determined to change her fate and avoid her predetermined doom by befriending and building relationships with the capture targets, leading to unexpected and often hilarious consequences.
What sets “I’m the Villainess but the Capture Targets are Too Abnormal”
Apart from other similar isekai and otome game-inspired series is its unique twist on the tropes of the genre. Instead of the usual handsome and charming capture targets, Katarina finds herself surrounded by an eccentric cast of characters, each with their own quirks and oddities.
From the yandere prince who will do anything to protect Katarina, to the masked thief who steals her heart (and possessions), the capture targets in “I’m the Villainess but the Capture Targets are Too Abnormal” provide endless entertainment and surprise.
The series has been adapted into a manga and anime, with the anime first airing in April 2020. Its popularity has led to various merchandise releases and fan translations of the light novel.
A Brief Overview of “I’m the Villainess, but the Capture Targets are too Abnormal”
“I’m the Villainess, but the Capture Targets are too Abnormal” is a popular light novel series in Japan that has been adapted into a manga and anime. The story revolves around a high school girl named Katarina Claes who realizes that she has been reborn as the villainess in a dating sim game she used to play.
As the villainess, Katarina’s fate in the game is to be either killed or exiled by the game’s capture targets, who are supposed to fall in love with the game’s protagonist instead. However, Katarina decides to change her fate by becoming friends with the capture targets and preventing their tragic endings.
The twist in the story
Is that the capture targets in the game are not the usual charming and handsome characters, but instead, they are all weird and abnormal in their own way. The capture targets include a prince who is obsessed with sweets, a mage who can only use magic when he’s happy, a playboy who is actually a vampire, a womanizing duke who cross-dresses, and a serious-minded assassin who loves gardening.
The story follows Katarina as she navigates through her new life in the game world, trying to befriend the capture targets and avoid her fate as the villainess. The series has gained popularity for its unique and quirky characters, as well as its comedic and light-hearted approach to the isekai genre.
“I’m the Villainess, but the Capture Targets are too Abnormal”
Has been adapted into a manga series that is currently ongoing, as well as an anime that aired in 2020. The series has gained a loyal fan base both in Japan and internationally, with fans eagerly awaiting the release of new chapters and episodes.
“I’m the Villainess but the Capture Targets are Too Abnormal” offers a refreshing and humorous take on the isekai and otome game genres, with a lovable and relatable protagonist and a cast of characters that are sure to make readers and viewers laugh and swoon.